Friday, September 16, 2016

Building A Portrait!

Building A Portrait!

All of us (sooner or later) take portrait photographs – why not figure out how to put the WOW in them? "Building A Portrait!" shows you everything!

Shooting a terrific portrait needs a lot more than simply aiming the lens at the model and pressing the shutter. "Building A Portrait!" will teach you everything you have to understand. It's simple as soon as you learn how!

Here’s the TOC for "Building A Portrait!"...


Building The Portrait:

Terms Used And The Overall Shape Of The Portrait

Size Counts

Composition Tips:

Make Sure Your Photographs Tell A Story Anti – Even Shoulders The Subject’s Posture Making Use of The "Rule Of 3rds" If It Makes Sense Fill The Frame Follow The Eyes Who Is The Star Key In On The Most Important Feature - The Eyes DOF Skin, Love It Or Leave It Bare Skin Continued Beauty Females Should Look Sexy And Pretty, Men Should Appear Powerful The Symmetrical Face Display Sexism In Portrait Photography Here Is A Really HARD Photography Technique Problem Area Fixes Differently Sized Eyes The Crooked Nose Wrinkles And Acne Scars Here is A Photo Tip That May Require Some Begging Chubby And Round Faces The Neck Wattle Photography Clothing Hints Employing The "Photo Ground Modification System" Practice Exercises

Get YOUR OWN copy of "Building A Portrait!" right now and you’ll have better photos by tomorrow!

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