Friday, October 28, 2016

Control Viewers! Make Your Color Photography "POP!"

Control Viewers! Make Your Color Photography "POP!" – Free On Kindle Today!

All of us try to show feelings and emotions in our photographs – it's the element that separates the "snapshooter" and the photography artist!

The way we use color is among – or possibly even THE - most important resource shooters are able to use for inserting feelings and emotions into photography. Yet few of us really understand how. After you have read through “Control Viewers! Make Your Color Photography "POP!"” (it is really easy) you will never view color in the same way again!

Here’s an example - all of us understand that the color red is a handy splash of color for attracting a viewer’s attention. It will also indicate heat, passion and sometimes even halt! But there’s more, much, much more. Control Viewers! Make Your Color Photography "POP!" explains everything!

In Control Viewers! Make Your Color Photography "POP!" you’ll discover the way Baboon butts affect the way we see the various tones of red!

Depending on the hue of red you use, you can elicit feelings like:

Lighter tones of red – represent joy, passion, sexuality, sensitivity, and love. Hues of Pink – mean love, romance, and friendliness. It denotes feminine qualities and passiveness.

Dark red – is often connected to willpower, vigor, anger, rage, courage, leadership, longing, malice, and ire.

Brownish-red can be symbolic of harvest time and fall.

Here’s a copy of the TOC to show a little of what is covered in Control Viewers! Make Your Color Photography "POP!"...

Introduction: Composition Review: Using Leading Lines Working With Diagonal Lines Using The Rule Of 3rds How To Use The Rule Of 3rds Power Points Working With The Rule Of 3rds Horizontal Power Lines How To Use The Rule Of 3rds Vertical Power Lines Controlling The Viewer With Color Working With Color Color Is Additive How Film And Digital Sensors Work How to Contol Viewer’s Emotion Using Colors Altering The Impact Of Your Photo With Color Working With Cross Processing And Other Strategies For Edgier Color Images The Hidden Effects And Meanings Of Various Colors Color Used To Harmonize Tying It All Together Using A Color Wheel Create Better Landscape Photography By Working with Kodak Yellow! Focus On People – Not the Clothing Hand Tinting The Way Baboon Rears And Bright Red Dresses Can Affect Your Portrait Photography Shooting Color – Techniques How To Saturate The Colors In Your Portrait Photography! How To Get Stunning Hues In Your Sunset Photos! Adding Photo Filters Here’s An Invaluable Filter For Great Nature Photography! Photo Exercise Additional Photographic Tutorials

In the area on Using Color – We’ll discuss the concept of color management, how and why it is usedful to elicit feelings and emotion in the viewers.

Using A Color Wheel – A color wheel is a visual display that makes it easy to choose what colors harmonize and which ones won’t. Sometimes you’ll desire harmony, and other times you will decide to jar your viewer’s senses. Now you will understand what colors to work with.

Color is a key factor in photo composition but very few e-books even mention it! Once you’ve read Control Viewers! Make Your Color Photography "POP!" you’ll BE A MASTER of how the colors in your photos are affecting the viewer!

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