Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Master Photo Lighting... Light 101

Master Photo Lighting... Light 101 - Free On Kindle Today!


Taking great photographs is all about mastering light - that's it! Which means, learning to master photographic lighting is not simply important or nice, IT IS VITAL! “Master Photo Lighting... Light 101” will be an important addition to any photographice library.

Master Photo Lighting... Light 101” will rapidly give you a solid understanding. You will notice almost instant improvement in your photography!

Here’s the Table Of Contents to give you a little feel for the material covered:

Intro Understanding The Aperture Understanding DOF The F Stop Understanding Shutter Speed And Aperture Combinations Using Light Using Additive Light Using Color Temperature Understanding The Kelvin Light Temperature Scale Learning How Lights Color Is Determined A Quick Quiz Types And Uses Of Light Using Incandescent Lighting The Filters In Our Minds Fixing A Color Cast Working With Ambient Light Using Strobe Lighting Understanding The Modeling Light Secrets Of Flash Photography! How And Why To Diffuse Your On Camera Flash! Portrait Photography Lighting - The Basics Lighting Creatively Studio Lighting For Portraits – Spending More IS Better! Photography Lighting Techniques – 3 Vital Tips Practice Exercise 1 Understanding Light Metering Reflected Meters How To Calibrate An "In Camera" Reflectance Light Meter Calibrating A Film Based Camera's Meter How To Calibrate A Digital Camera's Light Meter Problems With Reflected Light Meters How To Calibrate Your Incident Light Meters Photograhy Exercises 2 More Photo Training

Light: Just what is light and how does it relate to photography? We discuss light in all its varied incarnations – incident, reflected, soft, cool, hard etc. Next we discuss how all of them affect your photos – from both an artistic AND a technical viewpoint.

Color Temperature: This is one of the most misunderstood light factor – but not for YOU. You’re going to completely comprehend the color temperature of light and how to use light to add emotion to your photographs.

Metering – This is where you’ll really start separating yourself from your friends. You'll learn about the various types of light metering, the way they operate and the best ways to efficiently use them.

Calibrating Your Camera’s Reflectance Light Meter - If your in-camera built in meter is not correctly calibrated, you can’t get great photos. Here is how...

Calibrating Incidence Light Meters – correctly calibrating your hand-held meter is far MORE important!

The word “photography” comes from ancient Greek and actually means "writing with light." When you’re finished going through this easy to read, fully illustrated ebook, “Master Photo Lighting... Light 101” you’ll not only be able to "write" with light, but you will soon be writing like Shakespeare!

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