Friday, October 14, 2016

Model Release Templates

Model Release Templates – Free On Kindle Today!

Let's face it, we are in a litigious era! Model Release Templates will shield you from financial disaster!

It’s obvious that almost everyone is searching to find a way to sue somebody! Even if you are NOT a professional photographer you aren’t exempt!

It’s true that a lot of people think of lawsuits as an alternative to working for a living.

You need to CYA by getting a signed model release from everyone you shoot! Model Release Templates has them all!

Did you know that you can't put a persons' picture on your web site without a model release? Yes, that includes Pinterest, Facebook and Twitter as well as all the other social sites!

Did you know that you can NOT submit the picture to a photo contest if you don’t have a release?

Did you know that you can't sell a photo if you don’t have a model release?

Were you aware that it is almost impossible to get a signed release after the day of the shoot? They figure that if you want a model release, the picture has to be valuable. They will want payment.

Protect yourself by getting a signed release from everyone you photograph! Then you’ll won’t need to worry about it. Here’s an e-book of “Model Release Templates”.

Model Release Templates includes a release template for; Minors, Adults, Nudes, Property releases and one of Extra Clauses that can be added when needed.

CYA - right away! Model Release Templates

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