Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Shazaam! Effectively Using Photo Reflectors And Photo Filters!

Shazaam! Effectively Using Photo Reflectors And Photo Filters! – Free On Kindle Today!


In “Shazaam! Effectively Using Photo Reflectors And Photo Filters!”, we dive much deeper into the creation and alteration of light sources. “Shazaam! Effectively Using Photo Reflectors And Photo Filters!” is one more "must have" tutorial - if for no reason other than the section on the UV filter. This filter has the ability to save you $1000’s of dollars!

Here’s the TOC to display a bit of what is included...

Introduction Review: Color Red, Green, Blue Tinting By Hand Color Harmony Working with Gimp Managing Light How Many Lights Are Necessary? More Is Not Better The Reflector Lightening The Shadow Areas Reflector Or Flash? Sometimes A Reflector Is Better Than A Flash The Reflector As A Primary Light Saving Money With Reflectors Creating A Five Light Studio Portrait With Reflectors Understanding Filters Photoshop Vs. Filters How Filters Affect The Scene Understanding The Ultra Violet Filter Using The Polarizing Filter Working With The ND Filter Working With The Graduated Neutral Density Filter Using Colored Filters Don’t Buy Any Solid Color Filters Graduated Color Filters You’ll Need Using Alternative Filters How To Store Your Filters How To Take Off Stuck Filters Photo Exercises Additional Photography Training

It's easy to spend $100’s of dollars buying your lights – however it is NOT required! By a judicial positioning of reflectors, it is possible to turn a single light source into a FIVE light set! AND that one light source could even be the sun!

You are able to get results to be equal to the top studio photographers with almost no cost. Photo reflectors can even be home-made which means they’ll cost almost nothing.

Filters – for the most part actual "on camera" photo filters have dropped by the wayside due to the digital revolution.

We still use filters, however - with many of them – it’s after the fact (in PS) rather than in front of the lenses. Yet, there’re a few filters we still have to have on-camera. Their effects simply can't be simply achieved (or created at all) in Photoshop.

The UV Photo Filter – Here’s one that can truly save you $1000’s of dollars.

The Polarizing Filter – here’s one that should be in your equipment bag ALL THE TIME! The effects of the polarizer will take your images to completely new levels and it’s difficult if not totally impossible to create the results with PS. For example the ND filter, graduated ND filters and so on...

Read through “Shazaam! Effectively Using Photo Reflectors And Photo Filters!”, it’s really easy to comprehend and easy to implement. In a few minutes you will have a solid understanding on using reflectors for lights as well as using the essential photo filters.

Get YOUR copy of “Shazaam! Effectively Using Photo Reflectors And Photo Filters!” right away!

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