Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Shazaam! Effectively Using Photo Reflectors And Photo Filters!

Shazaam! Effectively Using Photo Reflectors And Photo Filters! – Free On Kindle Today!

In “Shazaam! Effectively Using Photo Reflectors And Photo Filters!”, we dive even deeper into the sources and manipulation of light sources. “Shazaam! Effectively Using Photo Reflectors And Photo Filters!” is one more "must have" e-book - if for no reason other than the section on the UV filter. This one has the ability to save you $1000’s of dollars!

Here is the TOC to show a bit of what is included...

Introduction Review Of Previous Course Volume: Color RGB Tinting By Hand Color Harmony Using Gimp Managing Light How Many Lights Are Necessary? Using More Lights Isn’t Always Better The Reflector Filling In The Shadows Flash Or Reflector? Sometimes A Reflector Is Better Than A Flash Unit Using A Reflector For The Primary Light Source Reflectors Save A Lot Of Money Building Up To A 5 Light Studio Set With Reflectors Understanding Filters Photoshop Vs. Filters Filters In Action Understanding The Ultra Violet Filter Understanding The Polarizing Filter Working With A ND Filter Understanding The Graduated Neutral Density Filter Using Colored Filters Do Not Buy Any Single Color Filters Graduated Color Filters You Will Need Working With Alternate Filters Storing Your Filters How To Take Off Filters That Are Stuck Practice Exercises Additional Photography Education

It's easy to invest hundreds of $ on lights – however it is NOT necessary! With the careful distribution of reflectors, it is not too hard to turn one solitary light into a FIVE light set! Plus that one light could even be the sun!

You can achieve results that will be equal to the top studio photographers with very little cost. Your reflectors can even be home-made so they will cost next to nothing.

Filters – generally actual "on camera" filters have been abandoned because of the use of digital cameras.

We still use photo filters, however - with many of them – it is after the fact (in PS) instead of attached to the front of the lens. But, there ARE a few photo filters we still have to have on-camera. Their effects simply can't be simply done (or created at all) in PS.

The UV Photo Filter – This one can literally save you $1000’s of dollars.

The Polarizing Filter – here’s one that ought to be in your camera bag EVERY DAY! The effects of the polarizer will vault your images to entirely new and higher levels and it is difficult if not impossible to create the similar results in PS. IE the ND filter, graduated ND filters and so on...

Look through “Shazaam! Effectively Using Photo Reflectors And Photo Filters!”, it is really easy to understand and simple to put into practice. Within a few minutes you’ll have a firm grip on using reflectors for lights and using the essential photo filters.

Grab a copy of “Shazaam! Effectively Using Photo Reflectors And Photo Filters!” right away!

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